Scenic Internship 2019
Scenic Assistant Intern
California Shakespeare Theater (
Technical Director: Steven Schmidt
Asst. Technical Director: Heidi Voelker
Shop Forewoman: Charlotte Wheeler
Props Master: Kirsten Royston
Carpenters: Tenaya Raives, Micaela Sinclair, and Laura DeVeber
Production Manager: Jamila Cobham
Asst. Production Manager: Haley Miller
May - August 2019
Midsummer Night's Dream
By William Shakespeare
The set was a boxed unit that traveled up and down the stage and split apart to travel stage left and right. There were 22 functioning doors and LED lights used inside the box and as a proscenium.
Through the process, I dealt with barrel bolts and latches and the installation of doors.
The Good Person of Szechwan
By Bertolt Brecht
The set was 10'x18' metal framed units that spelled out "GOOD". They were sheeted with thin ply and bendy ply (for the extreme curves) on the sides and covered in a greenhouse plastic for the front of each unit. Light bulbs were installed in the back and perimeter of each unit. In addition, 14' masking walls were installed on both sides of the stage and two wagon units were built to travel around stage. The wagon units were 10'x12' with walls extended over 12' and contained sliding doors.
Through the process, I welded the 10'x18' frames in a jig, attached bendy ply on the curves of the letters, cabled the lights that were installed in the back of each letter, drilled the holes and implemented the lights, stretched the greenhouse plastic over each unit, and installed the lights that framed each letter. In addition, I routed the platform of the traveling units on stage left and right and installed a airhose system underneath the stage that ran stage left andf right in order to pump air into the mini air compressor tanks for the traveling units.
House of Joy
By Madhuri Shekar
The set contains a climbable wall made out of 1-1/8" plywood with an automated door and hidden beds underneath the stair units.
Through the process, I built miniature stud walls to level the raked stage and 17'x12' stud walls. In addition, I routed and flex-alled the stair units and created and installed adjustable legging units for the staircases.